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Naked/Being: This project will be a series of collaborative nude portraits of older women that will explore aging, ageism and body image.

My style of working developed when I created the People of Yellowstone project. First I talk to the person I am going to photograph so we can agree on the setting and what each of us would like to bring to the photo shoot. Then we meet and go over things in person and set a date for the shoot. Taking time beforehand creates a more relaxed and present feeling for the photography session.

I hope this project will help to challenge beauty standards and norms. And bring joy to those who participate!

—Steve Horan


"Still Me"

The inspiration for the "Naked Being" project was this artist's book. Amy Gottlieb commissioned me to photograph her naked and document the changes lymphoma had made to her body.

After Amy died, I created a 24 page artist's book for Amy’s partner, Maureen, with photos from the shoot combined with excerpts from Amy's published writing. My partner Joss designed the book.

These photos and conversations with artist friend, Robin Pacific, led me to think of a series of photos that would celebrate the "imperfections and beauty" of naked bodies. Naked/Being is a work in progress but I hope will be as honest and interesting as Amy's book.

—Steve Horan

Link to images from the book


People of Yellowstone

This was my first long form portrait project. Yellowstone National Park draws people - like my brother Jim- who visit once and end up creating a life there. 

I spent five years crisscrossing the three states that border on the Park to create a series of 120  collaborative portraits of people from the Yellowstone National Park community .


I met and photographed wolf-trackers, rangers, resident artists, hikers, biologists, museum curators, environmental protection specialists, trash collectors and hunters – just to name a few!


To photograph people in the setting they chose I went up mountains, into historic buildings, waded in streams and rivers, and visited wolf dens to get the images.

The book was published in 2017 and featured 87 of the portraits and interviews by Ruth Crocker.

Visit for the history of the project

—Steve Horan


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Art with Artists

I have worked with artists in Toronto, Montana and Florida since the 1980s.


I've made portraits, documented installations, and created a record of performances and launches.


I have photographed some artists and their work over decades. A different kind of collaboration, the work evolves over time.

—Steve Horan



Documenting history

2008 Election in Ohio

In 2008 I went to Ohio to work for Democrats Abroad and created a photographic record of the grassroots organizing and the excitement generated by the campaign.
I campaigned door to door for almost three months, staying in people's homes. I was sometimes met with resentment, hostility, skepticism and apathy. But there were also warm welcomes, good conversations and hope.


—Steve Horan


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3D photographs

In 2000 I started building my own cameras and equipment to create lenticulars and stereoscopic images. I created holograms with the Photon League in Toronto.

I tried to convey my excitement with the medium to everyone I talked to and took a lot of portraits.

I was commissioned to create a hologram for the Deaf Culture Museum and it is still in their collection.

—Steve Horan


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